Heal our relationships to self & others

Learn about the impacts of intergenerational trauma

The intergenerational trauma that First Nations people experience as a result of colonisation, loss of land and culture, and crucially, the forced removal of family, is ongoing, complex and extensive.

The intergenerational trauma that First Nations people experience as a result of colonisation, loss of land and culture and crucially, the forced removal of family, is ongoing, complex and extensive. Distress and grief from the discrimination and actions of the past is passed down from generation to generation, leading to many people being trapped in a cycle of traume - especially those who experienced or have family who survived the Stolen Generation.

Non-Indigenous people must listen to First Nations voices and stories, engaging with the actions of our past and internalising our true shared history. Learning about the impacts and causes are small steps we can take towards helping heal the many wounds of the past.


Healing Foundation

The Healing Foundation is an Indigenous organisation that partners with communities to address ongoing trauma from past discriminations, supporting survivors of the Stolen Generation and offering avenues for healing.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

A Government agency aiming to improve health and wellbeing of Australians by producing information and statistics to inform and support better policy and service delivery decisions.

  • Read report - download the report on the key findings and outcomes on a study on the Stolen Generation and their descendents, examining the effects of forced removal and subsequent trauma.

Australians Together

Australians Together are a group of people that work together to listen to First Nations voices and enable non-Indigenous people to learn about our true shared story and history and its impact today.

Victim Support Service

Victim Support Service helps adult victims of institutional childhood abuse in South Australia through offering trauma-informed therapeutic and practical services.


Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaq Wellness Centre (Canada)

The Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaq Wellness Centre was established to help First Nations communities on Prince Edward Island but to also become a model for promoting health care services that are respectful of cultural traditions and values across Canada.

Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (Canada)

The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation is a coalition of individuals, organisations and institutions working in the Atlantic region to build and model just, equitable and sustainable communities. As a part of that work they have developed information and resources about truth and reconciliation for Canada’s First Nations people.

Sunrise Native Recovery (United States)

Sunrise Native Recovery is dedicated to improving the lives of the Native American community in Arizona by providing a nurturing recovery experience rooted in tradition and evidence-based treatment. They provide therapists to work with patients through a culture-specific curriculum that encompasses both individual and group therapy sessions, among other treatments and methods. 

Learning about the impacts of intergenerational trauma is part of a larger collective response.

Know of any other resources? Share your ideas.