Give Rights To Nature

Support efforts to give rights to nature

Giving rights to nature means recognising that ecosystems should be given legal rights just as humans have rights.

Biodiversity loss is one of the ways that we are currently having a hugely negative impact on our planet. The call to give legal rights and protections to nature provides a pathway for improving that situation. By using the structure of the law that already exists, there is a growing call to give nature and non-human animals inherent rights to live, thrive, and survive. To achieve this we would need to stop viewing nature as a form of property and instead recognise that we exist in a relationship with the non-human world. Protecting this relationship under law will give us the chance to mend and grow with the natural world.

Here are a few options you can choose from:


Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature

Climate for Change supports people to have effective conversations about climate change, and to take actions that will inspire others.

  • Get involved with GARN - if you have an interest in this area of law or skills you think could be helpful for the movement, GARN is a great avenue for putting them into action.

United Nations Harmony with Nature

The UN Harmony with Nature programme was born out of the UN General Assembly proclaiming April 22nd as International Mother Earth Day. A part of this programme is aimed at championing the cause of giving rights to nature.

  • Discover new laws - In countries around the world there are initial steps being taken to grant rights to nature. This list provides a summary from around the globe of current developments, and it is being updated all the time.

Earth Law Centre

The Earth Law Centre works to transform the law to recognize and protect nature’s inherent rights to exist, thrive and evolve. Based mostly in the United States they can still advise groups in different countries.

  • Volunteer - if you’re based in Boulder, Colorado, you can volunteer your time with the Earth Law Centre to help support communities as they fight to protect nature.


Australian Earth Laws Alliance

The Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) is a national not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to increase the understanding and practical implementation of Earth centred governance in Australia, with a focus on law, economics, education, ethics and the arts. AELA carries out its work by supporting multi-disciplinary teams of professionals engaged in research, education, publications, and community capacity building.

  • Become a Member - if you live in Australia and want to be actively involved in organising around the movement to grant more rights to nature, you can join the AELA as a member and help drive the cause.

Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council

The Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council is an Indigenous-led organisation that brings together an alliance of Elders and emerging leaders from six independent nations of the Fitzroy River Catchment. A Martuwarra Fitzroy River Youth Council’s mission is to ensure Martuwarra (Fitzroy River), a living ancestor and a global treasure, retains a right to flow, while developing environmentally sustainable economies for Indigenous People that re-establishes the value of Indigenous cultures.

  • Learn more by listening to the Voices of the Martuwarra.
  • Donate to support the Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council reach their goals as a network of change agents.


The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF)

CELDF is helping build a decolonial movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature to advance democratic, economic, social, and environmental rights – building upward from the grassroots to the state, federal, and international levels.

Know of any other groups or resources? Let us know.

Supporting efforts to give rights to nature is part of a larger collective response. Learn more and find other actions.