Cultivate a regenerative culture

Share and create more regenerative narratives

Be part of telling a new and better story for our planet

Whether we know it or not, we all spend our days playing out a story of who we tell ourselves we are: a story that informs our behaviours and our world view. But humans also play out a collective story of who we are: a story that has us believe we are exclusively selfish and competitive, we are separate from nature, and that status and wealth are crucial for our happiness. This action area invites us to generate new stories: stories about our deeply collaborative traits, stories about our interconnected relationships with the living world, and stories from a variety of emerging voices that have not been heard enough.


The Regenerators platform is a regenerative solutions hub that has been built to amplify the many amazing individuals and organisations around the world who are taking action to regenerate and heal ourselves, our communities and our planet. 

Stories for Life

Stories for life is a collaboration with the mission to help create stories that contribute to the re-design of a healthier economy that is #InServiceToLife, and to help us all connect to this understanding as we seek to navigate our collective challenges. 

Common Ground

Common Ground is a First Nations-led not-for-profit working to shape a society that centres First Nations people by amplifying knowledge, cultures and stories.

Digital Storytellers

Digital Storytellers are on a mission to empower a wider community of purpose-driven leaders to harness the power of story and change systems for the better. 

Marlikka Perdrisat

Marlikka Perdrisat works across academia, film, and law to spread awareness of First Law, the guiding principles that First Peoples generated over aeons to govern the diverse bioregions within the land mass currently known as Australia. Marlikka is also a digital storyteller and researcher with the Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council, an alliance of Traditional Owners who have come together to stand with One Mind and One Voice as a united Council of Senior Elders from Traditional Owner Groups of the King Sound, Fitzroy River, and its Catchment.

“First Nations people have spent tens of thousands of years customising languages and laws to their country. Each tribe was, and is, influenced by their natural environment, responding to a unique collection of species that have grown to co-exist in balance in that place. Land, language and law and all entwined.” - Marlikka Perdrisat 

Brené Brown

Brené Brown is a researcher and storyteller who has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She says, “If we want to find the way back to ourselves and one another, we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories and to be stewards of the stories that we hear.” 

Telling regenerative stories is part of a larger collective response. Learn more and find other actions here.

Know of any other resources? Let us know.